Thursday, December 26, 2013

New Year And Christmas Eve

New year and Christmas Eve capital Shimla Tourism Development Corporation hotel units in special celebrations beginning. this year to welcome the new year and goodbye to Monday starting special packages all Hotels Corporation. the stagnation at a tourist o & special hotel celebration competition. at the end of the year special events enhance the influx of tourists in hotels with preparation Bring color.

Monday through the capital's flagship holiday home hotels to create special dishes like 60 shaiph. in Himachal, Indian, continental, Chinese dishes are there new years start to become welcome to celebrate New Year Eve night "DJ music, dain & dance is also organizing.

11 days of special package tourism development corporation is going to give his units where the 12-month glut of tourists. the packages you want to stay in hotels under contract. There are competitions held during the preparation of the reward for the winners too. entry tickets December 31 night many Hotels Corporation villegas. for neo veneto kappal dance attractions at the main competition has been placed it More hotels in the meantime tambola House, dance-like contests also will be held.

Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation DGM Sunil Dutt Sharma said the new year and Christmas celebration for all hotel units have begun Monday special management. this package will continue to apply until January 2.